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Center for Precision Medicine Platform Based on Smart Hemo-Dynamic Index

159. Senthil Kumar Raman, 송시몬, "Numerical Analysis of non-ideal compressible fluid dynamics of supercritical CO2", ICTAM 2024, 2024/08, Korea

158. [Invited Talks] 송시몬, "Denoising 4d flow MRI data through singular value decomposition with a split-and-overlap method", ICTAM 2024, 2024/08, Korea

157. [Invited Talks] 김중선, "Master's Case Presentation 2: Mitral ", AP VALVES & STRUCTURAL HEART 2024 , 2024/08, Korea

156. [Invited Talks] 김중선, "Fusion Imaging POV from an Echocardiologist and an Interventional Cardiologist", Philips APAC 2024, 2024/08, Malaysia

155. [Invited Talks] 김중선, "Valvular Heart Disease and Sex", KSC(대한심장학회) 2024, 2024/07, Korea

154. [Invited Talks] 김중선, "Luncheon Session", SFR Symposium 2024, 2024/07, Korea

153. [Invited Talks] 김중선, "ICE Guided Intervention / Live Case Transmission 1 (ASD or PFO)", SCI(Structural Cardiac Intervention) 2024 , 2024/07, Korea

152. [Invited Talks] 송시몬, "Replacing Traditional Wall Shear Stress for Hemodynamic Analysis with 4D Flow MRI", KOVAS 2024, 2024/07, Korea

151. [Invited Talks] 김중선, "Medical vs PTCA vs CABG", KSHF 2024, 2024/07, Korea

150. [Invited Talks] 김두상, "Prediction of Wall Shear Stress from Blood Flow Analysis with 4D MRI-Necessity of Hemodynamic Research for Evaluation and Management of Severe Atherosclerosis", KOVAS 2024, 2024/07, Korea

149. 동항베이, 송시몬, "Measurement of Turbulent Kinetic Energy Using Magnetic Resonance Velocimetry on Cross Jet Flow", 13NCFE, 2024/07, Korea

148. 장일훈, 임채혁, 서경원, 조지현, 송시몬, "Flow analysis within a wire-wrapped rod bundle using magnetic resonance velocimetry", 13NCFE, 2024/07, Korea

147. 송우빈, 이해연, 구가람, 김민재, 김동립, 송시몬, "Drag reduction by plastron on porous superhydrophobic surface in Turbulent Taylor-Couette Flow", 13NCFE, 2024/07, Korea

146. 오세진, 강치호, 송시몬, "Design and Performance Evaluation of Axial Fan with Toroidal Blades Using MRV", 13NCFE, 2024/07, Korea

145. 강승민, 송시몬, 안돈관, 장일훈, 하호진, 양동현, "Denoising technique for 4D flow magnetic resonance imaging data using singular value decomposition with domain split and overlap", 13 NCFE, 2024/07, Korea

144. 김두상, "Lattice-Boltzmann Method Enables Cost-effective Quantitative Hemodynamic Analysis in Carotid Atherosclerosis", Korea-Japan Vascular Surgery 2024, 2024/06, Japan

143. 이청아, 팽동국, "Numerical Simulation of Coupled Blood Flow and Red Blood Cell Dynamics for Blood Viscosity in a Two-Dimensional Stenosis Channel", BESC 2024, 2024/06, Korea

142. 류상원, 장경민, 남택균, 유재영, "두개 내 동맥류와 동측 총경동맥 협착증 간의 관계에 대한 전산해석 평가", BESC 2024, 2024/06, Korea

141. 강민수, 김준, 김진현, 홍제형, 송시몬, "Physics-Informed Neureal Network for Super Resolution of 4D Flow MRI Data", BESC 2024, 2024/06, Korea

140. 윤정재, 고신웅, 김준홍, 이준상, 최규선, 유재영, "MCA 동맥류  해석  범위  최적화  및 출구  경계조건  안정성  조사", BESC 2024, 2024/06, Korea

139. Thi Thanh Giang Le, Sang Won Ryu, Jung Jae Yoon, Taekkyun Nam, Jaiyoung Ryu, "Hemodynamic Effects of Fetal-Type Posterior Cerebral Artery on Cerebral Blood Flow and Wall Shear Stress: A Patient-Specific CFD Study", BESC 2024, 2024/06, Korea

138. 김성은, 박연수, 이형준, 김영우, 이준상, "Effect of carved membrane design for tricuspid valve regurgitation treatment", BESC2024, 2024/06, Korea

137. 이다윤, 최다연, 이찬형, 이형준, 김영우, 이준상, "Blood viscosity estimation from wearabel device using AI based PPG analysis", BESC2024, 2024/06, Korea

136. 이성주, 이영준, 최규선, 송시몬, "4D Flow MRI post processing for CFD boundary condition", BESC 2024, 2024/06, Korea


135. [Invited Talks] 신승용, "Complete LAA Closure, Is It Really Over? (Device Implantation Depth)", KHRS(대한부정맥학회) 2024, 2024/06, Korea

134.  [Invited Talks] 김중선, "Post-implant antithrombotic after gastrointestinal bleed", CSI Frankfurt 2024, 2024/06, Germany

133.  [Invited Talks] 김중선, "Intravascular Imaging in Specific Situation", IPOP 2024, 2024/06, Korea


132.  [Invited Talks] 김중선, "Managing Complex Tricuspid Valve Cases: Insights from the Heart Team ", New York Valves: The Structural Heart Summit , 2024/06, USA


131. [Invited Talks] 신승용, "Are Different LAA Occluder Devices 'Different'?", The 7th K-SCI YMPOSIUM, 2024/06, Korea


130. D-T.Vo, Y.Jeong, J.Ryu, "Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulation of High-Pressure Cooling Blade Under Rotational Conditions in a Gas Turbine", TurboExpo 2024, 2024/06, England

129. 이슬기, 김중선, 이용준, 이오현, 김충기, "Preventive mechanism of SGLT-2 inhibitor in each organ for diabetic rabbit model", EAS 2024, 2024/05, France

128. 이상형, 안돈관, 김두상, 장일훈, 송시몬, "Integral Parameters with 4D Flow MRI Data  for Accurate Hemodynamic Analysis", KNS 2024, 2024/05, Korea


127. 임채혁, 서경원, 장일훈, 조지현, 송시몬, "Periodicity of vortex structure and flow split factor within a wire-wrapped rod bundle using magnetic resonance velocimetry", KSV2024, 2024/05, Korea


126. 오세진, 강치호, 송시몬, "Design and Performance Evaluation of Axial Fan with Toroidal Blades Using MRV", KSV 2024, 2024/05, Korea

125. 강승민, 송시몬, 안돈관, 장일훈, 하호진, 양동현, "Denoising 4D flow MRI through sinvular value decomposition of split and overlap approach", KSV 2024, 2024/05, Korea


124. [Invited Talks] 김중선, "LAA & PFO: HOW TO MANAGE COMPLICATIONS", CSI Focus LAA&PFO 2024 : The brain & heart team approach to stroke prevention, 2024/04, Japan


123. [Invited Talks] 김중선, "Stroke Prevention: PFO, LAAO, Carotid Stent and Others Organized by CVRF", TCTAP 2024, 2024/04, Korea


122. [Invited Talks] 김중선, "LAA Closure: Plan, Sizing, Device Selection", 2024 춘계심혈관통합학술대회 & ACC Global Obesity Train-the-trainer, 2024/04, Korea


121. [Invited Talks] 김중선, "Presentation on 3D navigation in structural heart diseases intervention", Vietnam Cardiology Workshop, 2024/04, Vietnam

120. 김두상, "Similar 10-year longterm survival outcome results between on- and off-pump CABG in left main disease patients", 21st KCAS, 2024/04, Korea

119. [Invited Talks] 김중선, "Current status of TEER and who is a good candidate?", MIS-Korea 2024, 2024/03, Korea

118. 고신웅, 이상형, 김두상, 신승용, 최규선, "Morphological Parameters for Predicting Rupture Risk of Anterier Communicating Aneurysms: A retrospective Single-center Study", 2024년 제37차 대한뇌혈관외과학회 학술대회 및 총회, 2024/03, Korea

117. [Invited Talks] 김중선, "New Tools for Successful CTO", CTO Seoul Camp 2024, 2024/02, Korea

116. [Invited Talks] 김중선, "NEW DEVICES, What are new in PFO closure?", The 10th Vietnam Congress of Congenital Heart Disease, 2024/01, Vietnam

115. [Invited Talks] 김중선, "K-SCI: TEER Update, Current Evidence and Future", KSIC(대한심혈관중재학회) 2024 : 제20회 동계국제학술대회, 2024/01, Korea

114. 이희민, 이준상, "물리 기반 머신러닝 (PANNs): 잉크젯 프린팅을 위한 물리 정보 반영 이미지 예측 기술", 대한메디컬 3D 프린팅학회 동계학술대회, 2023/12, Korea


113. 김세영, 이준상, "Lithium polysulfide shuttle effect analysis on lithium-sulfur battery during charge/discharge cycles", ICQE 2023, 2023/12, Australia


112. 권순욱, 김세영, 이준상, "Lithium metal anode dendrite growth prediction via neural networks during repeated charge/discharge cycles", ICQE 2023, 2023/12, Australia

111. 김두상, "Midterm Results Of Redo OPCAB Surgery Via New Access Route Approach Avoiding Re-entry Injury", 9th Annual ICC 2023, 2023/12, USA

110. 남택균,장경민, 류상원, 유재영, "중대뇌동맥류 결찰술에서 총경동맥의 일시적 협착 유발에 따른 동맥류 및 주요 동맥들의 혈류역학적 시뮬레이션", BESC 2023, 2023/12, Korea

109. 이청아, 팽동국, "Axial shear rate : A hemorhoelogical factor for erythrocyte aggregation under Womersley flow based on in silico model", BESC 2023, 2023/12, Korea

108. 강승민, 안돈관, 하호진, 양동현, 장일훈, 송시몬, "Denoising 4D Flow MRI Using Singular Value Decomposition with Splitting and Overlapping Approach", BESC 2023, 2023/12, Korea

107. 안돈관, 김두상, 이상형, 장일훈, 송시몬, "Accurate Analysis Method Using 4D Flow MRI Data for Carotid Artery Stenosis: Integral Parameter Analysis", BESC 2023, 2023/12, Korea

106. [Invited Talks] Dong-Guk Paeng, "Therapeutic Ultrasound and its Applications on Brain Diseases", Taiwan Society of Biomedical Engineering, 2023/11, Taiwan

105. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Update of Mitral valve and Tricuspid valve", APCIS 2023, 2023/11, Korea

104. 강승민, 송시몬, 안돈관, 하호진, 양동현, 장일훈, "Denoising 4D Flow MRI Data Using Singular Value Decomposition with Spliting and Ovelaping", ICMRI 2023, 2023/11, Korea

103. 동항베이, 송시몬, "Visualizaion of Turbulent Kinetic Energy Using Magnetic Resonance Velocimetry on Cross Jet Flow", 76th APS DFD, 2023/11, USA

102. 안돈관, 김두상, 이상형, 장일훈, 송시몬, "Integral Parameter Analysis Using 4D Flow MRI Data for Carotid Artery Stenosis", 76th APS DFD, 2023/11, USA

101. 이창민, Hans Christian Rundfeldt, 정근화, 장혜연, 김현진, "Physiological Model of the Cerebrovascular System based on Supply and Demand Relationship between Arteries and Tissues", 76th APS DFD, 2023/11, USA

100. 이승민, 이한영, 구본권, 김현진, "Unseen Branch model based on physiologic principles for perfusion simulation of coronary arteries", 76th APS DFD, 2023/11, USA

99. 김준, 장일훈, 홍재형, 윤찬혁, 송시몬, "Analyzing The Relationship Between Wake Flow Patterns and Design Element Changes of Vehicles Using Machine Learning", 76th APS DFD, 2023/11, USA


98. 고승철, 권순욱, 이희민, 이준상, "Physcis added and informed neural network for time-dependent prediction of droplet evaporation", 76th APS DFD, 2023/11, USA

97. 송형규, 이승민, 이창민, 이인표, 이기원, 이미현, 추성혜, 김현진, "Multiscale Computational Methods for Heat Transfer Simulation between Body Tissue and Blood Flow", 76th APS DFD, 2023/11, USA

96. Jongmin Seo, Kieun Choi, Soo In Jeong, Sang Yoon Lee, Ju Ae Shin, Mi Young Han, "Hemodynamics analysis for advancing risk assessment of coronary artery aneurysm caused by Kawasaki disease using patient-specific cardiovascular simulation", 76th APS DFD, 2023/11, USA

95. Kieun Choi, Weiguang Yang, Jongmin Seo, "Computational Evaluations of Hemodynamic Effect of Applying Slippery Surface to Cardiovascular Device", KSME 2023, 2023/11, Korea

94. 이희민, 이준상, "Active control of magnetic nanoparticle ring patterns using lattice Boltzmann method", KSME 2023, 2023/11, Korea

93. 조재용, 이준상, "The numerical investigation of dendrite growth in lithium-ion battery by phase-field and lattice Boltzmann method", KSME 2023, 2023/11, Korea 

92. 김준홍, 이준상, "Conditional GANs for Novel-view Synthesis in Coronary artery", KSME 2023, 2023/11, Korea

91. 김세영, 이준상, "Lithium polysulfide generation analysis on lithium-sulfur battery during repeated charging/discharging cycles", KSME 2023, 2023/11, Korea

90. 이형준, 이준상, "Unlocking Predictive Health Outcomes with Biometric Data", KSME 2023, 2023/11, Korea

89. 동항베이, 임채혁, 송시몬, "Direct Measurement of Turbulent Kinetic Energy of Cross-Jet Flow by MRV",KSME 2023, 2023/11, Korea

88. 권순욱, 고승철, 이희민, 김준홍, 이준상, "Three-dimensional droplet evaporation predictions in temporal domain via physics-added neural networks", KSME 2023, 2023/11, Korea

87. 류상원, 장경민, 남택균, 유재영, "중대뇌동맥류 수술 중 총경동맥 일시적 조임에 따른 동맥류 및 주요동맥의 혈역학적 시뮬레이션", KSME 2023, 2023/11, Korea

86. Kieun Choi, Weiguang Yang, Jongmin Seo, "Computational Evaluations of Hemodynamic Effect of Applying Slippery Surface to Cardiovascular Device", KSME 2023, 2023/11, Korea

85. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Exploring the Synergy of MD-PhD Collaboration in Hemodynamics and Hemorheology", KSC 2023, 2023/10, Korea


84. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Management of Octogenarian Patients with Severe Mixed Aortic Stenosis and Mitral Regurgitation", KSC 2023, 2023/10, Korea


83. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "More intensive LDL cholesterol reduction – statin and ezetimibe combination", ICDM 2023, 2023/10, Korea

82. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Intra-Procedural Imaging: Interventionists' View with fluoroscopy", ECHO 360 2023, 2023/10, Korea


81. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Arrhythmia ablation prior to the closure of ASD – does it last?", CSI Asia-Pacific 2023, 2023/10, Thailand


80. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "CATHLAB CAFE: LAA AND PFO CLOSURE", CSI Asia-Pacific 2023, 2023/10, Thailand


79. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "PASCAL score for better patient selection", CSI Asia-Pacific 2023, 2023/10, Thailand

78. 팽동국, 이청아, "초음파 혈류측정 원리와 불확실성", 정맥통증학회, 2023/10, Korea

77. 남택균,장경민, 류상원, 유재영, "중대뇌동맥류 결찰술에서 총경동맥의 일시적 협착 유발에 따른 동맥류 및 주요 동맥들의 혈류역학적 시뮬레이션", KSC 2023, 2023/10, Korea

76. 박승현,조현우,안해남,박영채,김광원,조봉현,하호진,고한서,김두상, "Hemodynamic comparative analysis of carotid endarterectomy patientsusing lattice Boltzmann method based computational fluid dynamics(CFD) analysis", KSC 2023, 2023/10, Korea

75. 김두상, "Propensity Score Matching (PSM) Analysis Between Less Than and More Than 75Years Old Age Groups Who Underwent Total Arterial Revascularization OPCAB", KSC 2023, 2023/10, Korea

74. 차민재, 안돈관, 신승용, 송시몬, "Importance of Correct LAAO Studied by 4D Flow MRI", KSC 2023, 2023/10, Korea


73. [Invited Talks] Dong-Hyun Yang, "Updates of Advanced Imaging Technique and Biomarkers: CT", Korean Congress of Radiology, 2023/09, Korea


72. [Invited Talks] Dong-Hyun Yang, "CT in Ischemic Heart Disease", ECHO SEOUL 2023, 2023/09, Korea

71. H-J. Lee, S-G. Lee, C-K. Kim, O-H. Jeon, S. Park, J. Oh, C-J. Lee, Y-J. Lee, S-J. Lee, J-S. Kim, "The anti-inflammatory effect of the combination treatment of Dapagliflozin and Dulaglutide in Atherosclerosis diabetic model", ICoLA 2023, 2023/09, Germany

70. Seul-Gee Lee, Jung-Sun Kim, Hyun-Ju Lee, Seung-Jun Lee, Oh-Hyun Lee, Choongki Kim, "Identification on Preventive Mechanism of Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonist for Atherosclerosis Model", ICoLA 2023, 2023/09, Germany

69. 이희민, 이준상, "Investigating Liquid Transport and Evaporation Phenomena in PEMFCs with Porous Gradient Gas Diffusion Layer", ICCHMT 2023, 2023/09, Germany

68. 김두상, "Lattice-Boltzmann Method Enables Cost-effective Quantitative Hemodynamic Analysis in Carotid Atherosclerosis", ESVS 2023, 2023/09, England

67. Cheong-Ah Lee, Joo ho Lee, Seung Uk Im, Chang Soo Kim, Dong-Guk Paeng, "A 4-Dimensional Ultrasound Imaging System for Measuring Hemorehological Characteristics and Arterial Wall Dynamics during a Cardiac Cycle", ESCHM-ISCH-ISB 2023, 2023/09, Germany


66. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Live SHD 1, Live CTO 1, Live Bifucation-2", CVIT2023, 2023/08, Japan

65. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Complication of Mitral TEER", AP VALVES & SH 2023, 2023/08, Korea

64. 이희민, 이준상, "Active control of droplet ring patterns with suspended nanoparticles using lattice Boltzmann method", MMIE 2023, 2023/08, Japan


63. 권순욱, 이준상, "Physics-added neural networks: a novel method to embed physics in image-to-image translation for inkjet printing system", MMIE 2023, 2023/08, Japan

62. 김준성, 권순욱, 이희민, 이준상, "Physics-Added Neural Networks for Predicting Evaporation Process of Fluid Droplets", IMID 2023, 2023/08, Korea

61. 동항베이, 임채혁, 장일훈, 송시몬, "Measurement of 3D velocity and turbulent kinetic energy in a refrigerator machine room using magnetic resonance velocimetry (MRV)", ACFM 2023, 2023/08, China

60. 안돈관, 김두상, 이상형, 장일훈, 송시몬, "Development of hemodynamic index for the carotid atherosclerosis using 4D flow MRI", ACFM 2023, 2023/08, China

59. [Invited Talks] Jong-min Seo, "Computational Fluid Dynamics for congenital heart disease", The 31st Annual Meeting of the Asian Society for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, 2023/07, Korea

58. [Invited Talks] Dong-Hyun Yang, "AI in Cardiovascular Imaging", Cardiovascular Imaging in CT Summit, 2023/07, Korea

57. Hans Christian Rundfeldt, 이창민, 정근화, 장혜연, 김현진, "Simulation of Cerebrovascular Perfusion Using Realistic Synthetic Tree Generation", US NCCMCM 2023, 2023/07, USA

56. 김세영, 이준상, "Dendrite growth analysis on lithium-sulfur battery during repeated charging/discharging cycle", ISMNM 2023, 2023/07, Korea

55. 이희민, 이준상, "Active control of droplet ring patterns with suspended nanoparticles using lattice Boltzmann method", ISMNM 2023, 2023/07, Korea


54. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Session IV - Current Status of LAA Closure in Korea", The 6th K-SCI Symposium, 2023/06, Korea


53. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "CASE #1: LAAO/ ASD", K-IMAGING 2023, 2023/06, Korea


52. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Recent Clinical Studies of Intracoronary Imaging", IPOP 2023, 2023/06, Korea

51. 김두상, "Total arterial revascularization OPCAB showed similar outcome results between more than and less than 75 years old age groups", STS Coronary Conference 2023, 2023/06, USA

50. 이정환, 김재훈, 윤찬혁, 홍제형, "Paired-Point Lifting for Enhanced Privacy-Preserving Visual Localization", IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2023, 2023/06, Canada

49. 박승현, 조현우, 안해남, 박영채, 김광원, 조봉현, 하호진, 고한서, 김두상, "Lattice-Boltzmann Method allows cost-efffective quantitative hemodynamic analysis in carotid atherosclerosis", 21th GICS 2023, 2023/06, Korea

48. 김진현, 윤찬혁, 김준, 송시몬, 홍제형, "Positional Encoding 기법을 활용한 유동속도 예측 물리 인공 신공망 구현", IEIE2023 (하계종합학술대회), 2023/06, Korea

47. 박정우, 홍제형, "홀로렌즈2 기반 손동작 인식 연구를 위한 손 영상 분할", IEIE2023 (하계종합학술대회), 2023/06, Korea

46. 김준홍, 이병권, 이준상, "Unlocking New Perspectives Angiography Synthesis from Single - view with Angle Conditions", BESC 2023, 2023/06, Korea

45. 이형준, 김준홍, 이준상, "Modeling Coronary Artery Hemodynamics: Exploring DCNN Surrogate Models in Preliminary Research", BESC 2023, 2023/06, Korea

44. 김세영, "From Lab to Launch: Building a Startup Company from Scientific Exploration", BESC 2023, 2023/06, Korea


43. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Case 1. MitraClip", TCTAP 2023, 2023/05, Korea

42. H-J. Lee, S-G. Lee, C-K. Kim, O-H. Jeon, S. Park, J. Oh, C-J. Lee, Y-J. Lee, S-J. Lee, J-S. Kim, "The anti-inflammatory effect of the combination treatment of Dapagliflozin and Dulaglutide in Atherosclerosis diabetic model", EAS 2023, 2023/05, Germany

41. Seul-Gee Lee, Jung-Sun Kim, Hyun-Ju Lee, Seung-Jun Lee, Oh-Hyun Lee, Choongki Kim, "Identification on Preventive Mechanism of Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonist for Atherosclerosis Model", EAS 2023, 2023/05, Germany

40. Sangwon Ryu, Kyoung-Min Jang, Taek-Kyun Nam, Jaiyoung Ryu, "3D Hemodynamic Simulation in Middle Cerebral Artery Bifurcation Aneurysm acrroding to Common Carotid Artery Stenosis", NCFE 2022, 2023/05, Korea

39. 이창민, "조직 성장 기반 혈관 생성 모델을 이용한 뇌혈관계 멀티스케일 혈액 유동 해석 방법 개발 및 적용", KSME 2023, 2023/05, Korea

38. 강승민, 안돈관, 하호진, 양동현, 장일훈, 송시몬, "특이값 분해예 분해 및 겹침을 활용한 노이즈 필터 개발", KSME 2023, 2023/05, Korea


37. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "How Can AI Incorporate in Vascular Field, and Who Will Drive?", Seoul BiVascular Symposium, 2023/04, Korea


36. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "A Paradigm Shift in Dyslipidemia Treatment", KSIC 2023, 2023/04, Korea


35. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Teer in Ventricular Functional MR", KSIC 2023, 2023/04, Korea


34. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "New Clinical Outcome of Fimasartan in Korean Hypertensive Patients", KSIC 2023, 2023/04, Korea


33. [Invited Talks] Dong-Hyun Yang, "AI Algorithm for an Automated Assessment of the Thoracic Aorta", Asia Pacicifc Society of Cardiovascular Intervention, 2023/04, Korea


32. Jooho Lee, Hafiz Muhammad Umer Farooqi and Dong-Guk Paeng, "ElectroEncephaloGraphy Signal Analysis of Brain Activation Changed by Nanoparticles and Laser-Generated Focused Ultrasound", 22nd Annual international symposium on therapeutic ultrasound, 2023/04, France

31. 김두상, "Total arterial revascularization OPCAB showed similar outcome results between more than and less than 75 years old age groups", 18th KCAS, 2023/04, Korea

30.나민균, 백광흠, 이형중, 최규선, "Craniopharyngioma resection by endoscopic endonasal approach versus transcranial approach: A systematic review and meta-analysis of comparative studies", 42th KNS 2023 (춘계학술대회), 2023/03, Korea

29. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "LAAO : Stroke prevention with device", Myocardial Ischemia Symposium in Korea 2023, 2023/03, Korea


28. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Step by step from access to closure in transcatheter valve procedures", Myocardial Ischemia Symposium in Korea 2023, 2023/03, Korea


27. [Invited Talks] Dong-Hyun Yang, "Key Images of Successful Mitral Valve Surgery: Cardiac CT Checkpoints", Heart Valve Disease Forum 2022, 2022/12, Korea

26. Rundfeldt, Hans Christian, "Simulation of cerebrovascular perfusion using realistic synthetic tree generation", 2022 한국가시화정보학회 추계학술대회, 2022/12, Korea

25. 김현진, 이인표, 이승민, "조직의 수요를 고려한 혈관 생성 모델 최적화와 관류 해석", 2022 한국가시화정보학회 추계학술대회, 2022/12, Korea

24. 김두상, "Early-term Results of Second Redo Minimally Invasive OPCAB Surgery", 2022 ICC, 2022/12, Japan

23. 이준상,김중선,유재영,김현진, "임상 이미징 기반 혈유동장 예측 기술 개발 (2세부)", 2022 순환기의공학회, 2022/12, Korea

22. Don-Gwan An; Min Jae Cha; Seung Yong Shin; Simon Song, "Investigation of Left Atrial Flow Stasis and Thrombogenicity in Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion using 4D-Flow MRI", 2022 순환기의공학회, 2022/12, Korea


21. [Invited Talks] Simon Song, "Cardiac Application of 4D Flow MRI", ICMRI 2022, 2022/11, Korea


20. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Korean Experience with mitraclip", CHORUS SEOUL 2022, 2022/11, Korea


19. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Session A5. Structural Heart Disease Intervention / Mitral valve intervention or surgery", Asia-Pacific Cardiovascular Intervention & Surgery (APCIS), 2022/11, Korea​

18. 양동현, "A Deep Learning based Fully Automated Segmentation of Normal Aorta Zones in Healthy Adults from Computed Tomography", 북미영상의학회 (RSNA), 2022/11, USA

17. 양동현, "Reference Value of Cardiovascular Borders on Frontal Chest X-ray  in Normal Subjects Confirmed by Echocardiography", 북미영상의학회 (RSNA), 2022/11, USA

16. 김두상, 안혁, "Extra-anatomic abdomen-sparing ascending aorto-femoral artery bypass showed longer patency than axillo-femoral bypass in aorto-iliac occlusive disease", 2022 대한심장혈관흉부외과학회, 2022/11, Korea


15. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Lambre experiences in Europe, Hong Kong and Korea", Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion (LAAO)symposium, 2022/10, Korea


14. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "How to guide procedures with new devices in LAAO: Lambre", Echo360, 2022/10, Korea


13. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "LAA devices - with step by step live or recorded case", CSI Focus LAA & PFO congress, 2022/10, Japan


12. [Invited Talks] Dong-Hyun Yang, "AI Algorithm for an Automated Assessment of the Thoracic Aorta", 16th ENCORE SEOUL, 2022/10, Korea


11. [Invited Talks] Dong-Hyun Yang, "Cardiac MRI: coronary and myocardial assessment", 16th ENCORE SEOUL, 2022/10, Korea

10. Sang Hyung Lee1; Don-Gwan An; Seung Bin Kim; Kun Hee Han; Kyu-Sun Choi; Seung Yong Shin; Doosang Kim; Simon Song, "Development of Hemodynamic Index for Carotid Artery Stenosis Using 4D-Flow MRI", 2022 KNS, 2022/10, Korea

​​9. [Invited Talks] Dong-Hyun Yang, "AI Learning Center Experience", 아시아오세아니안 영상의학회 (AOCR), 2022/09, Korea

8. 이준상, 김중선, "Center for Hemodynamic Precision Medical Platform: Automated Cardiovascular Risk Prediction", 제 66차 대한심장학회 추계학술대회, 2022/09, Korea

7. 박승현, 김새롬, 김광원, 김두상, "LBM based carotid atherosclerosis hemodynamic quantitative analysis in 10 carotid stenosis patients", 2022 대한심장학회, 2022/09, Korea


6. [Invited Talks] Jung-Sun Kim, "Video Live Demonstration 1 - Coronary", 제41차 대한심혈관중재학회 하계국제학술대회, 2022/06, Korea


5. [Invited Talks] Dong-Hyun Yang, "CMR Perfusion for Ischemia", 아시아 심장혈관영상의학회 (ASCI), 2022/06, Korea


4. [Invited Talks] Dong-Hyun Yang, "Assessment of Prosthetic Heart Valve", 아시아 심장혈관영상의학회 (ASCI), 2022/06, Korea

3. 김현진, 이인표, 이승민, "조직의 수요를 고려한 개인화된 혈관 생성과 관류 해석", 제12회 한국유체공학학술대회, 2022/06, Korea

2. 이청아, 팽동국, "박동 흐름에서 국부적 적혈구 응집체에 영향을 미치는 요인 : 축 및 반경 방향 전단률", 2022 순환기의공학회, 2022/06, Korea

1. 박승현, 김광원, 김두상, "격자볼츠만방법의 경계조건 인가방식에 따른 경동맥 혈류특성 분석", 2022 순환기의공학회, 2022/06, Korea

Center for Smart Hemo-Dynamic Index Research

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